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Cui Yu from Tianjin has 1.6 meters long hair

Click to download full size photos: http://de.njbozhong.com/longhairphoto/201212/chinalonghair.com-1145.rar

Please use WinRAR(download address: http://www.win-rar.com/download.html) to decompress the file after downloading

Cui Yu is a young girl from Tianjin. She got ill on her ear when she was born so that she is deaf. But she love life and like drawing. She started learn drawing since she was 6 years old. She especially like paint cats. Now she becomes a young artist and has gotten a lot of awards. Cui Yu also likes long hair, you may see her long hair is floor length now.

Cui Yu from Tianjin has 1.6 meters long hair

Cui Yu's awards

Cui Yu's pictures:

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