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1. Long hair in youth

2. Show my long hair

3. mujita's long ponytail

4. Took photos in front of mirror by herself

5. Super long hair in super market

6. mujita's braid and undo

7. mujita's photos taken before new term

8. Red cheong-sam

9. Braid in school

10. mujita travelled in Guangde's cave

11. mujita made two braid fun

12. mujita wash long hair for new year

13. Drying long hair after shampoo

14. Star in sky

15. mujita's new photos in Tiger Year

16. mujita's double braid and bun

17. mujita took photos beside Tai lake

18. a little wet:-)

19. mujita's long hair almost reach her ankle

20. mujita's flying long hair


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