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Zhu Min

Hits: 9432


1. Huang Baoyu and Zhu Min are both from Anhui province


1. Zhu Min and another lady's photos for Mother Day

2. Zhu Min's 1.9 meters long hair in 2010 summer

3. Zhu Min's 2.05 meters long hair after shampooing in 2011 summer

4. Zhu Min and hailanlan shew their 2.13 meters long hair together

5. Zhu Min and another long hair lady

6. Zhu Min took photos for another long hair lady


1. Zhu Min danced with long braid

2. Zhu Min comb her 2.05 meters long hair after shampooing-1

3. Zhu Min comb her 2.05 meters long hair after shampooing-2

4. Zhu Min and hailanlan travelled in Qinghai

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